Author: Kim Kiefer

September 12, 2021 Water Communion

Dress warm, wear a mask, and join us for the annual Water Communion at 10:30 am at the Auke Recreation Shelter close to the large shelter. Bring water and a story to tell from your summer adventures and help welcome in the new … read more.

See you in September

The Juneau Unitarian Universalist Fellowship takes a summer break. We will meet again the first Sunday after Labor Day. Please continue to follow this webpage to find out about any special summer events.

June 6, 2021 Annual Meeting

We will have annual meeting on Sunday. If you would like to join the zoom meeting at 10:30 am please call 907-463-5883.

We will not be meeting during the summer. We will meet again on September 12.

May 16, 2021

“In the realm of poetry what is so often passed over in daily life: the miraculous, the unexpected, the undreamt of is expressed.  Poems are necessary because they honor the unknown, both in us and in the world. They come from an undiscovered country; they … read more.

May 2, 2021

Student Rabbi Max Altman, at the Congregation Sukkat Shalom, will be our guest speaker. The title of his sermon is “Changing Our Story.” 

Please join our 10:30 am virtual service. For the link call 907-463-5883.

April 18, 2021

“Becoming”.   Lay leader Leslie Wood will share how she is becoming someone who is searching for truth and meaning in a free and responsible manner.  She says, “Come to hear my faith and spirituality journey and share a little of yours!”

April 4, 2021

Annette Coyle, Lay Leader, will be talking about Spring as a season of rebirth, renewal, and resurrection. We are invited to think about dreams, plans, interests, friendships, spiritual journeys that need to be resurrected. Please bring your thoughts to share.

March 21, 2021

Student Rabbi Max Antman will be talking about Power and Accountability. How power and privilege allows those in power to escape judgement, and our commitment to changing that reality. Specifically he will focus on sexual harassment and what our Torah teaches us about accountability.

March 7, 2021

Pat McLear will be the Lay Leader this Sunday and the topic is “On the Commitments That Shape Us”.

February 28, 2021

We encourage members and friends to visit other virtual services on the 4th Sunday of the month.