Shrine Retreat


Memories from the retreat:




JUUF Online Game Night!

We will meet at 6 p.m. on the third Sunday of each month on Zoom to play party games from the Jackbox Party Pack video game series. You will need two devices; one to join the zoom call and see the game’s  prompts, and a mobile device (a smart phone or tablet) to respond to prompts. You don’t need to buy anything or download any apps.

You can join the game night at the following link: 

Juneau UU Fellowship’s Personal Meeting Room 

Meeting ID: 661 791 8307

The Juneau Unitarian Universalist Fellowship does not meet during the summer. We plan to resume the game night in the fall. Please check back in September for more information.


JUUF Book Club!

We will meet the third Saturday of each month on Zoom to discuss the book at 6:30 p.m. at the following link: Juneau UU Fellowship’s Personal Meeting Room 

Meeting ID: 661 791 8307

Each Book Club member will bring at least one question they wish to discuss regarding the month’s book, and the person who suggested the book for that month will lead the discussion.

The Juneau Unitarian Universalist Fellowship does not meet during the summer. We plan to resume the book group in the fall. Please check back in September for more information.