January’s Theme: Living Love Through the Practice of Story

January 5: Kim Kiefer will guide us into the new year.

January 12: Student Rabbi Jennifer Moses with Annette Coyle as the lay leader.
“Happy New Year. We’ve all just come through the holiday season, where we may have spent time with family in close quarters. It’s not always easy! It wasn’t easy for families in the Torah, either. This month we’ve been reading in Genesis about Joseph and his brothers. It’s a story about terrible betrayal and miraculous reconciliation. Here’s how we can learn from the narrative about how to mend family feuds.”

January 19: Rev. Teri Schwartz will lead worship honoring the Reverend Doctor
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Now You Know the Rest of the Story–how MLK’s dream made it into the 1963 March on Washington

On August 28th, 1963, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King left the lobby at the Willard hotel in DC to put the final touches to a speech he hoped would be received, in his words, “like the Gettysburg address.”  He asked his aides for advice about the next day’s speech. “Don’t use the lines about ‘I have a dream’, his adviser Wyatt Walker told him. “It’s trite, it’s cliche. You’ve used it too many times already.” Dr. King knew this speech had to be different. He went to sleep at about 4am, giving the text to his aides to print and distribute. The “I have a dream” section was not in it. Come worship together in honor of MLK day and our January theme of Living Love Through the Practice of Story. We’ll journey back in time to explore how Dr. King was called in the moment to live love through story and share the dream–and for us to do so in turn.

January 26: Honesty and Sue Zahnd will lead the service.