November Theme: Living Love Through the Practice of Repair


November 3: Pat McLear will serve as the lay leader.

November 10: Student Rabbi Jennifer Moses will be our speaker

This month’s Soul Matters theme is Repair. In Jewish practice, we have just finished the High Holidays (Rosh HaShanah to Yom Kippur and then to Sukkot and Simchat Torah), where the overarching theme is Repentance and Repair. This Sunday I’ll be discussing how our holy texts explain how we are to repair transgressions against our fellow humans–a much more daunting task than asking forgiveness from God!

November 17: Chalice Chat

November 24: Rev. Teri SchwartzThanksgiving Myths: truth telling in a time of deception
We tell the story of Thanksgiving as if the European settlers are at the center of it. Our Thanksgiving myth transforms radically when it stops being told by and about Europeans. We find ourselves in a time in which our national leaders seek to craft a single and increasingly narrow narrative of what it means to be American: who is in and who is out; who is “deserving” of basic human rights and liberties, and who is not. Understanding the present moment requires exploring the complexity and our complicity in our nation’s foundational myths and history. Any potential for repair as a country, as a people, and as individuals–depends upon seeking and speaking difficult truths, past and present.